DGZ v Children’s Guardian [2022] NSWCATAD 250 (appearance on behalf of the Children’s Guardian in relation to the cancellation of a working with children clearance).
Eastwood v Industrial Relations Secretary [2021] NSWIRComm 1014 (appearance on behalf of the Industrial Relations Secretary in a disciplinary appeal of a Corrective Services officer).
CEG Direct Securities Pty Ltd v Shining Pty Ltd (No 2) [2020] NSWSC 1213 (appearance on behalf of the Registrar-General of Land Titles in a mortgage fraud case).
AAQ18 v Minister for Immigration [2020] FCA 759 (appearance on behalf of the Minister for Immigration on an appeal from an application for judicial review).
Eparaima v Industrial Relations Secretary [2020] NSWIRComm 1038 (appearance on behalf of the Industrial Relations Secretary in a disciplinary appeal of a Corrective Services officer).
Koloamatangi v R; Popovic v R [2020] NSWCCA 52 (appearance on behalf of the Commissioner of Police on an application for suppression orders).
APlus Care 4 All Pty Ltd v Children’s Guardian [2019] NSWCATAD 187 (appearance on behalf of the Children’s Guardian in relation to the accreditation of a care provider under relevant legislation).
Collins v Department of Fair Trading [2019] NSWCATAP 199 (appearance on behalf of the Commissioners of Fair Trading and Police in relation to an appeal of a tattoo licence).
Ghaderi v Western Sydney University [2019] NSWCATAP 137 (appearance on behalf of Western Sydney University).
Lincu v Registrar-General [2019] NSWSC 568 (appearance on behalf of the Registrar-General of Land Titles in a test case concerning the construction of s 129(2)(f)(i) of the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW)).
Wattie v Industrial Relations Secretary (No 2) [2018] NSWCA 124 (appearance with Paul Menzies QC) on the appeal.
Evans v Industrial Relations Secretary [2018] NSWIRComm 1075 (appearance on behalf of the Industrial Relations Secretary in a disciplinary appeal of a Corrective Services officer).
Industrial Relations Secretary v Wattie [2017] NSWSC 1662 (appearance with Paul Menzies QC on behalf of the Secretary instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for judicial review of a decision of the Industrial Relations Commission).
Mowle and Commissioner of Police (NSW) [2017] AATA 2294 (appearance on behalf of the Commissioner of Police instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for merits review of a decision under the Mutual Recognition Act 1992 (Cth)).
Roberts v Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [2017] NSWCATOD 109 (appearance on behalf of the Board instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office in a procedural application on an application for review of a disciplinary matter).
Adams v Commissioner of Police, New South Wales Police Force [2017] NSWCATAD 194 (appearance on behalf of the Commissioner of Police instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for review under the Firearms Act 1996 (NSW)).
CFK v Children’s Guardian [2017] NSWSC 460 (appearance on behalf of the Children’s Guardian instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for judicial review of the decision of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal).
CLL v Children’s Guardian [2017] NSWCATAD 69 (appearance on behalf of the Children’s Guardian instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for merits review of refusal to issue a working with children clearance).
BYK16 v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2017] FCCA 191 (appearance on behalf of the Minister for Immigration, successfully resisting an application for judicial review in respect of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal).
Khumalo v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCA 24 191 (appearance on behalf of the Minister for Immigration, successfully resisting an appeal from the Federal Circuit Court of Australia).
Roberts v Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [2016] NSWCATOD 129 (appearance on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia instructed by the Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application to stay appeal proceedings concerning a decision of the Board to refuse registration to a nursing practitioner).
CHB v Children’s Guardian [2016] NSWCATAD 214 (appearance on behalf of the Children’s Guardian instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for merits review of refusal to issue a working with children clearance).
Application of the Attorney-General of New South Wales (unreported, Supreme Court of New South Wales, Button J, 13 September 2016 (appearance on behalf of the Attorney-General for the State of New South Wales instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office in an application under the Evidence on Commission Act 1995 (NSW)).
CFK v Children’s Guardian [2016] NSWCATAD 140 (appearance on behalf of the Children’s Guardian instructed by the NSW Crown Solicitor’s Office on an application for merits review of refusal to issue a working with children clearance).
Mfula v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCCA 161 (unled – appearance for the Minister for Immigration, successfully resisting an application for judicial review in respect of the Migration Review Tribunal).
Islam v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] FCCA 3024 (unled – appearance for the Minister for Immigration, successfully resisting an application for judicial review in respect of the Migration Review Tribunal).
Balven v Thurston [2015] NSWSC 1103 (unled – appearance on behalf of respondent in relation to the assessment of aggravated damages for trespass to land, successfully resisting an appeal against a decision of the Local Court).
Thomas v Owners Corporation (NCAT, 2015) (unled – appearance on behalf of the owners of “Diesel” Thomas, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, successfully seeking permission to live with his family in strata).
The Trust Company v Feiner [2014] NSWSC 1492 (unled – appearance on behalf of the Registrar-General of NSW, successful application for default judgment in mortgage fraud/Torrens Assurance Fund case).
Khan v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2014] FCA 168 (unled – appearance for the Minister for Immigration, successfully resisting an appeal against a decision of the Federal Circuit Court).
SZSJL v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2013] FCCA 1338 (unled – appearance for the Minister for Immigration, successfully resisting an application for judicial review in respect of the Refugee Review Tribunal).
Shandil v Animal Welfare League NSW [2013] NSWADT 15 (unled – successful application by respondent to recover legal costs in a fixed sum in the Equal Opportunity Division of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal).
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v Buadromo [2012] FCAFC 101 (unled – judicial review of a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal).
Geodis Wilson Australia Pty Ltd v Kelly (unreported, District Court of NSW, Elkaim DCJ, 24 February 2012) (unled – successful recovery of a debt, together with interest and costs, pursuant to a director’s deed of guarantee).
SZOBI v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (No 2) [2010] FCAFC 151; (2012) 119 ALD 233 (unled – judicial review of a decision of the Refugee Review Tribunal).
Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd v Roger Ward & Ors [2010] NSWSC 720 (led by Ross Letherbarrow SC and Mark Robinson SC – judicial review of a decision made by two officers of the Motor Accidents Authority of NSW).
Hill v Forrester [2010] NSWCA 170 (led by D A C Robertson – appeal against decision of the District Court of New South Wales in respect of the assessment of gratuitous care damages under s 15(3) of the Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW)).
Mukherjee v Medicare Participation Review Committee [2010] FCA 233; (2010) 114 ALD 148 (led by Mark Robinson SC – application for review by a medical practitioner disqualified from access to Medicare benefits under the Health Insurance Act 1973 (Cth)).
Lafu v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2010] AATA 234 (unled – merits review by Deputy President Tamberlin QC of a visa cancellation decision).
Resolved at Mediation or Prior to Trial
Represented and advised the Commissioner of Fair Trading in respect to an application for merits review of a disciplinary decision made by the Commissioner concerning a real estate agent.
Represented and advised a small business in relation to a claim brought in the Technology and Construction List of the Equity Division of the Supreme Court of New South Wales in respect of the surreptitious acquisition of commercially valuable confidential information.
Advised a leading national professional services law firm in relation to procedural fairness and evidentiary issues arising in the context of a workplace dispute.
Represented and advised a multinational manufacturer in relation to statutory product liability claims brought in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania pursuant to the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and the Australian Consumer Law.
Represented and advised the Registrar-General of NSW in respect of litigated and administrative claims from the Torrens Assurance Fund under the Real Property Act 1900 (NSW).
Represented and advised (led by Chris Ronalds SC) an aged care provider in respect to administrative and judicial review of accreditation and compliance under the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth).
Represented and advised (led by Robert Angyal SC) the vendor of valuable trade marks in respect to proceedings in the Supreme Court for breach of contract, alternatively rectification of contract, for sale of the trade marks.
Represented and advised applicants in unfair dismissal proceedings before Fair Work Australia.
Represented and advised (led by Scot Wheelhouse SC) a multinational manufacturer in a statutory product liability claim brought in the District Court of NSW by way of subrogation seeking damages, plus interest and costs from a manufacturer pursuant to the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth), Fair Trading Act 1987 (NSW) and at common law.
Represented and advised on claims brought in the Supreme Court of NSW under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW) for family provision from an estate.
Represented and advised on a claim for damages brought in the Federal Court of Australia for misleading and deceptive conduct contrary to the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) and for breach of copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).
Represented and advised various owners corporations in respect to claims in the Supreme Court of NSW, District Court of NSW, and the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, raising issues of governance and management of schemes under the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (NSW), together with equitable claims and claims arising under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
Royal Commissions / Commissions of Inquiry / Coronial Matters
Appearance on behalf of the Commissioner for Corrective Services before the Coroner’s Court in relation to deaths in custody and upon release to parole (from 2017 and ongoing).
Appearance on behalf of institutionalised victim witness before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Case Study 33: Response of The Salvation Army, Southern Territory in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia).
Appearance on behalf of two victim witnesses before the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Case Study 13: Response of the Marist Brothers to allegations of child sexual abuse in schools in the ACT, NSW and Queensland). My cross-examination featured in ABC Radio’s World Today programme.
Pro Bono Publico (In the Public Interest)
Advice for PALS@PILCH on the availability of an administrative law challenge to regulations made under the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsAct 1979 (NSW) and in relation to various animal welfare matters touching upon horse racing, rodeos and farming practices.
Appearance in the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (unled) for a respondent resisting an appeal by the Minister for Immigration & Citizenship against a decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal favourable to the respondent (visa cancellation case).
Appearance in the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (unled) for an appellant seeking review in respect to the refusal by the Refugee Review Tribunal to exercise jurisdiction to review a refusal to grant a protection visa.
Appearance in the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia for various applicants seeking review in respect to refusal decisions in the Refugee Review Tribunal.
Appearance in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for an applicant seeking review of a visa cancellation decision on character grounds.
Barrister on the NSW Bar Association’s Pro Bono Referral Service.